One hundred and seven graduates who earned their undergraduate and graduate degrees in Military Engineering and Military Leadership and Management were awarded diplomas by the University of Zagreb during the graduation ceremony | Photo: MOD/ T. Brandt
Minister Anušić during the cadets’ promotion: You are the best this country has!
One hundred and seven graduates who earned their undergraduate and graduate degrees in Military Engineering and Military Leadership and Management were awarded diplomas by the University of Zagreb during the graduation ceremony
On Friday, 9 February 2024, the Dr. Franjo Tuđman Croatian Defence Academy in Zagreb hosted the graduation ceremony for the 15th and 16th generations of cadets who completed their graduate studies in Military Engineering and Military Leadership and Management, as well as the 15th, 16th, and 17th generations of cadets who completed their undergraduate study programmes in Military Engineering and Military Leadership and Management.
The University of Zagreb handed out diplomas to one hundred and seven graduates –twenty-eight of whom were female – who successfully completed the graduate and undergraduate study programmes in Military Engineering and Military Leadership and Management. Eleven of the graduates were international; one came from Kosovo, one from Montenegro, and nine from Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Seventeen female cadets out of a total of seventy-one completed undergraduate military study programmes. Twenty-seven graduates earned the academic title of University Bachelor of Military Engineering, while forty-four graduates became University Bachelors of Military Leadership and Management.
The graduation ceremony was attended by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence, Ivan Anušić, who acted as the envoy of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia. He congratulated the cadets and commended them for their hard work and their decision to become members of the Croatian Armed Forces.
“You are the best that Croatia has,” he declared, adding that the Croatian people, who have unwavering faith in our armed forces and those who lead them today, will in the future have the same faith in these new generations of graduates. “You have this honour and carry it proudly on through life, through your education, and through everything you will do for the benefit of your families, your country, your people, and all of us,” remarked the minister.ž
He also pointed out to the cadets that they should be proud of being heirs of the triumphant Croatian Armed Forces from the Homeland War: “You are the heirs of every hero who died and every war veteran who has lived to secure an independent, free, and independent Republic of Croatia with their bravery, boldness, and love for their country. You have the same insignia and wear the same uniforms as they did. We see you as someone who will carry the 1990 torch into Croatia’s and the Croatian people’s future.”
The minister concluded by saying, “This is a calling, not an occupation. You are here because you responded to that call,” in reference to the particulars of military service. “.” He then wished the cadets luck and protection on their journey ahead, saying, “Be faithful to your homeland, and may dear God watch and protect you.”
In addition to congratulating the cadets on their accomplishments and academic recognition, Admiral Robert Hranj, Chief of the CAF General Staff, stated that their diplomas should motivate the graduates for further achievements and advancement in the Croatian Armed Forces. “We must implement new doctrines and tactics to be prepared for security and other challenges. In order to meet the needs of the Croatian Armed Forces, one must be qualified, trained, and constantly study military science and art,” he said. He also thanked the academic community for its role in supporting the establishment of the Defence and Security University and the development of military study programmes.
Major General Slaven Zdilar, the Commandant of the Dr. Franjo Tuđman Croatian Defence Academy, expressed gratitude to the families and friends who helped the cadets on their journey as well as the lecturers who supported them during their studies. Then he addressed the cadets by saying, “This unique occasion signifies the conclusion of your academic pursuits and the commencement of new challenges and opportunities. This academic title is simply the start of your journey to achieve your goals and contribute to the defence of the homeland and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia. This is your time to celebrate and feel proud.”
“Pouring resources into science is an investment that will pay off for us many times over in the future. Because of this, we are especially happy to celebrate the accomplishments of our soldiers, undergraduates, and graduate students today and to recognise their hard work and dedication,” said Stjepan Lakušić, rector of the University of Zagreb, highlighting the cadets’ diligence and perseverance as evidence that they are capable of carrying out officer duties.
As a reminder, the university study programmes of Military Engineering and Military Leadership and Management were developed in cooperation with the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia and the University of Zagreb. After completing these studies, soldiers can find work in the units of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia and perform junior officer duties.
While the study of Military Leadership and Management is mostly focused on the social sciences, and that of Military Engineering is primarily focused on the technical sciencesfield. Both university undergraduate studies last eight semesters, or four years. The academic title of bachelor of the selected study programme and the first officer rank of second lieutenant are obtained upon completion of these programmes.