The Government of the Republic of Croatia agrees to the procurement of HIMARS | Foto: Arhiva MORH/ Vlada RH
The Government of the Republic of Croatia agrees to the procurement of HIMARS
The military units of the Croatian Armed Forces will receive new capabilities for effective missile action at medium and long distances, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Ivan Anušić emphasized
At the session held on 20 December 2024, the Government of the Republic of Croatia approved the commitment of the Ministry of Defence at expense of the state budget from 2025 to 2029 for the procurement of HIMARS high mobility artillery rocket system from the USA, in the total amount of 262.196 euros plus VAT on the goods and services that will be delivered to Croatia.
The procurement is carried out according to the principle of comprehensive approach, so that in addition to the launchers and guided missiles, the package also includes other goods and services, training and logistical support necessary for effective functioning of the system.
“This will give the CAF units new capabilities for effective missile action at medium and long distances,” Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Ivan Anušić emphasized, explaining the decision reached at the Government session.
“The government and the MoD are firmly committed to further improvement and modernization of the capabilities of all services of the Croatian Army, because this is a direct contribution to the safety of all our citizens and support to NATO goals and capabilities,” he pointed out.
He explained that the letter of offer and acceptance for this system was received from the US Government, the total value of which is 289.968.461 US dollars, and the Ministry of Defence has an obligation to pay VAT on the goods and services that will be delivered to Croatia.
VAT amounts to 60.698.017.25 US dollars, and the total amount of obligations of the Ministry of Defence for procurement of the HIMARS high mobility artillery rocket system in the period from 2024 to 2029 is 350.666.478 dollars.
The Ministry of Defence received a consent, also at expense of the state budget in the year 2026, for modernization of the AN/FPS-117 radar system. The total value of the purchase is 45 million euros, and the entire delivery is planned in the course of the year 2026.
“Modernization will enable the improvement of features such as stronger data processing capabilities, automated threat recognition and reduced reaction time, as well as the ability to detect low-flying targets with a small radar reflective surface,” Minister Anušić emphasized.