Ovo je treće gostovanje "Krila Oluje" u Zrakoplovnoj bazi Rivolto što potvrđuje izvrsnu suradnju i prijateljstvo dvaju nacionalnih akrobatskih grupa
“Wings of Storm” visit “Frecce Tricolori”
The Croatian Air Force’s Aerobatic Team “Wings of Storm” visit “Frecce Tricolori”
The Croatian team, headed by the Team Leader Captain Darko Belančić were welcomed by the Frecce Tricolori Commander, Gaetano Farina and the Team Leader, Major Stefano Vit and the pilots of the Italian group.
The highlight of the visit were joint flights of the Croatian and Italian pilots aboard the Pilatus PC-9M and MB- 339 respectively.
Along with flight performance the two teams discussed the return visit to the Croatian Base at planned for 4 April 2019 and the planned practice flypasts over the runway in the Base.
The Team Leader of the “Wings of Storm“ captain Darko Belančić said both the Croatian and the Italian teams recently began their preparations for the display season 2019, and said he was looking forward to seeing the respective teams’ flight elements and manoeuvres from the cockpit.
“Flying with the pilots of one of the world’s most famous aerobatic teams active for nearly 60 years is a unique experience not offered in any school. Our Italian colleagues too have lasting impressions and memories flying with us aboard our Pilatus aircraft”, said Cpt Belančić.
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