Celebration of the 32nd anniversary of Pumas in Varaždin | Foto: OSRH/ D. Varošanec

Celebration of the 32nd anniversary of Pumas in Varaždin

Today in Varaždin, the 32nd anniversary of the Puma 7th Guards Brigade and the Day of the Puma 2nd Armoured-Mechanized Battalion were celebrated in the barracks of the “Puma 7th Guards Brigade”

Today, on 20 December 2024, in Varaždin, at barracks of the Puma 7th Guards Brigade, the 32nd anniversary of the Puma 7th Guards Brigade and the Day of the Puma 2nd Armoured-Mechanized battalion were celebrated with a ceremonial line-up of members of the Puma 2nd Armoured and Mechanized Battalion and of the Guards Armoured and Mechanized Brigade of the Croatian Army.

For all killed and missing members of the Pumas during the Homeland War, a holy mass was held in the Church of the Good Shepherd in Varaždin and afterwards, at the barracks in St. Juraj chapel, the highest state delegations, representatives of the counties and cities, and students of the IInd Varaždin high school together with professors and families of the killed and missing veterans laid wreaths and lit candles.

In his address, the representative of the President of the Republic of Croatia, Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Croatian War Veterans Tomo Medved, congratulated members of the Pumas as well as veterans of the Homeland War on the 32nd anniversary of the Puma 7th Guards Brigade and pointed out that during the Homeland War, the Pumas were honoured to carry the flag of their brigade and expressed profound gratitude to them for everything they did. Minister Medved congratulated the promoted and awarded members of the Puma 2nd Armoured-Mechanized Battalion on their well-deserved success and called on them to continue to invest efforts in further development of their capabilities.

Commander of the Puma 2nd Armoured and Mechanized Battalion Major Krunoslav Slavinec emphasized on this occasion: “We continue the tradition of winners and continue to strive for daily improvement and acquisition of new knowledge and skills.”

In preparation for the celebration of Pumas anniversary, archery competitions were held in December 2024, followed by a competition for the fittest member and a swimming competition. The competitions brought together a large number of competitors and the best were awarded medals and cups. Thus, in archery, the first place was won by the diver Marin Sraga. The best swimmer in the 100-meter sprint discipline was LT David Pejaković, while the first place in uniform swimming was won by PFC Vedran Grabovac. The team swimming competition was held in the relay race discipline, and members of the Command Company proved to be the fastest. Of all competitions, the competition for the fittest male and female member of the Pumas attracted most of the attention, where LT Ivančica Krajačić excelled as the fittest member, winning a gold medal and a cup. The fittest Puma member this year was Staff SGT Krunoslav Bošnjaković.

Along with families of the dead and missing Puma members, today’s ceremony was attended by representative of the Speaker of the Croatian Parliament MP Goran Kaniški, representative of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia and Minister of Croatian War Veterans Tomo Medved, envoy of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia and Minister of Defence State Secretary Drago Matanović, MP Siniša Jenkač, envoy of the President of the Republic of Croatia and Commander-in-Chief of the CAF Marijan Mareković, Commander of the Croatian Army MG Blaž Beretin, Commander of the Guards Armoured-Mechanized Brigade Colonel Željko Marinov, President of the Association of War Veterans of the Puma 7th Guards Brigade Robert Puja, representatives of the war veterans and persons with disability of the Homeland War and other civilian and military guests.

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